Hello! I really enjoyed reading your blog post! I thought it was great that the video had a question at the beginning. This gives the viewers something to think about while they watch and learn from the video. It is also a great idea to pause the video and allow the students to have time to process and think about the information. This will help them understand the material better and can even help them build connections to their prior knowledge. I believe that this would be a great and very beneficial lesson for the learners!

Hi Karen! I believe that checking the students understanding after the video by giving them questions where they must estimate something, is a great idea. This would really help the teacher find out where the students are at with their learning and would help show if more work and practice needs to be done. I also really like how you brought up the barrier of learners with attention challenges. This is something that many students struggle with, and it is important to address it. It is a great idea to try lowering the volume on the video to see if this helps keep students less distracted from the noises and more focused on the material they are trying to learn. Great work with your post this week!