Hi Neha! I think the example you suggested for a psychologist’s social media is great! Personally, I would be interested in reading posts about mental-health and well-being because those are important topics that affect everyone. It is crucial to consider what the audience will be interested in seeing if wanting to grow one’s social media and learning network.

I like what you discussed about creating an environment that allows for open and respectful conversations between people with different opinions. I agree that having a space where everyone can freely share their opinions and have a calm discussion would be best. I also believe that building a supportive online community first would be very helpful, because then you have a group of people that would support and back you up if necessary in a situation where someone may be negative towards you or your posted content.

Hi Nina! I think it is a very interesting question you brought up about the toilet paper frenzy that occurred last year. During the time, I remember thinking about how crazy it was that everyone was buying so much toilet paper and thinking that those people are somewhat overreacting with the amount they were buying, and that they did not truly know the details about what was going on with COVID-19. They were hearing fake news and starting to panic before learning the truth about what was happening. 

I liked what Julie Smith said about the importance of exposing yourself to new and different perspectives. I believe that this is important because it opens your eyes and helps you see new ideas, which can help you learn and grow your understanding by listening to the other side/views on a topic. It is important to be respectful and mindful when listening to other people’s opinions because you need to understand that just because somebody thinks differently than you, does not mean that their opinion is wrong.