Hi Carla! I strongly agree with what you said about all students having their own, individual approach to each subject, and that even if they learn in similar ways, there are no students that learn in the exact same way. This shows me the importance of teaching to diversity and inclusion because every learner is different, so as educators we need to teach them all in ways that work best for them. 

The video you added to your post was a great addition! It was also really useful. UDL’s can help us include all students when planning lessons by assisting in getting around barriers that students may have in the class. I have learned about UDL principles in the past, but it completely slipped my mind to look at using them for this post and project. I am definitely going to go back and look at them again to help with inclusion. Great job with your blog post! I really enjoyed reading it!

Hi Karen! I really enjoyed your post. I have not looked at the topic of inclusion much outside the area of education, so reading your post about inclusion in engineering was very interesting. The lever door handles and video captions are both great examples of ways to include everyone, including those with certain barriers.

I also thought you made an excellent point when saying that educators need to create an open line of communication, so students feel comfortable discussing when they are having difficulty or there is a challenge they need help with. It was also a great example to suggest the small change of describing objects by shape and not colour for students who are colour blind. This may seem like a small change, but for students who struggle with colours, it would be a big change and a big help. Good job with your post!