This week I made a type of breakfast wrap. I have never made this before, but my roommate has made something similar a few times. I do not know where this idea originally came from. It may have been TikTok, but I have not seen it on there. I have seen it on Instagram a few times, though. First, I cooked some scrambled eggs and turkey bacon. When they were done, I took a tortilla wrap and cut a slit halfway through, stopping at the middle. I then put the eggs on one quarter, turkey bacon on another, and cheese on a third. I thought about adding tomato to the last quarter but decided not to this time. I then started to the left of the slit, and folded it over onto the turkey bacon, then folded again on to the cheese, and lastly, on to the eggs. This turned the wrap into a triangle shape. I then put it in the George Forman Grill for a few minutes to heat it up and melt the cheese, as well as hold the wrap together. It was very good, but when I started cutting it to eat, sometimes the eggs would fall out, which I suspected would happen. Everything in this wrap were things I like to eat for breakfast, so putting them together in a new form was very good.