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category Lesson Plans and Projects

Physical Education – EPHE 310 and 311

These are lesson plans, a unit plan, and a special topics project from PHE last term and this term. They include fun and active games and activities for students to engage in when learning different skills in PHE class. The… Continue Reading →

Art in the Elementary and Middle School Classroom – EDCI 307A

This lesson plan is for a grade 4 class, and this unit plan is for a grade 2 class. They both encourage creativity and exploration in the students, while they learn about different art concepts. They are also encouraged to think… Continue Reading →

Mathematics – EDCI 300

This assignment involves working on a problem in multiple different ways. It shows some of the many problem solving strategies that students can work with when solving math problems. It also shows that all students learn in different ways, and… Continue Reading →

Learners and Learning Environments – ED-D 301

This assignment teaches a lot about supporting students in the classroom. It addresses emotional development, spiritual development, and listening skills, as well as how we, as future teachers, will support our students and incorporate these into our classrooms and teaching…. Continue Reading →

Literacy and Language – EDCI 302

This is a teaching unit for a grade 3 English class. It teaches students about writing and about using adjectives, senses, and similes to enhance their writing. The different lessons allow the students to write about what they choose and learn… Continue Reading →

Drama – EDCI 305A

This Story Drama project from last term is for a grade 3 class. It involves reading a story and then doing multiple activities to get the students moving and thinking more about the story. The activities help engage the students… Continue Reading →

Field Experience Seminar – EDCI 250

This inquiry project taught me so much about inclusive education. I learned a lot about how to support students with learning challenges, specifically children with autism. The knowledge I gained from doing this project will greatly benefit me as a… Continue Reading →

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